Healing with Raymond & Billy, an 11-part Podcast

Two cute QTs talking QT health!
Listen to the show on Anchor.

A. Raymond Johnson (shiatsu therapist) and Billy Janes (acupuncturist) take you on a DIY journey through the body and how our approach to healing is shaped by the stories we tell in our culture, to ourselves and each other.

Episode One: So You Want to Go On a Healer’s Journey. Raymond & Billy talk about how they became healers, what histories & theories inspire their work, and give a brief tour on how the meridians of the body operate. Then we start off the healer’s journey with the Lung and information on breathing, metabolizing grief, herb friends, meridian location (kiss your bicep!) & much more.

Episode Two: Letting Your Sh*t Go. Let’s talk about our bowel movements! And other issues related to the Large Intestine, like letting go and processing grief. The words ‘poop’ ‘stool’ and ‘sh*t’ get used a lot in this episode, and while we have a sense of humor about it, we avoid being gratuitous or excessively gross. Everybody poops!

Follow host & producer Raymond on Twitter

Follow host Billy on Instagram

Raymond’s shiatsu practice: MountainZenShiatsu.com

Billy’s herbal & acupuncture practice: JanesAcupuncture.com

Music by Purple Fluorite

Illustration by Traci Jean Burns